EORTC Melanoma Group changing daily practice
for cancer patients with proven pembrolizumab success rate

Pembrolizumab Success Rate by Melanoma - Illustration

Pembrolizumab Success Rate

The EORTC Melanoma Group has recently presented and published new data that has shown improved outcomes in pembrolizumab success rate for cancer patients. The EORTC 1325 study for patients with high-risk stage III resected melanoma (recurrence of disease following surgical removal of tumour), found that 1-year of therapy with immunotherapy treatment (pembrolizumab) after surgery, significantly prolongs time to disease recurrence or death.

Practice-Changing Results

Based on these results, pembrolizumab treatment was approved by the European Medicines Agency and Food and Drugs Administration (USA). These significant results were presented at ASCO 2020 (American Society of Clinical Oncology), confirming that the positive effect of this treatment (pembrolizumab) is durable with longer follow-up.

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