EORTC has a strong track record in initiating and conducting radiotherapy-based clinical trials across disease types. The aim is to challenge, re-define and develop standards of care for loco-regional treatments. EORTC’s scientific projects are designed and conducted to integrate disciplines such as imaging, translational research, quality of life and quality assurance and are open to cooperative projects involving other EORTC groups and external cooperations, for example with neuro-oncology networks in Canada, Australia and the US. The group places special emphasis on recruiting and mentoring junior colleagues who are interested in pursuing an academic career in the field of radiation oncology. In addition, EORTC runs an extensive Radiotherapy Quality Assurance programme (RTQA) to ensure the consistency and reliability of imaging data across all EORTC clinical trials involving radiotherapy. In 2019, EORTC launched a radiation oncology initiative, the E²-RADIatE platform, that is gathering ‘real-world’ data on patients treated with radiotherapy in Europe.


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