EORTC CEO Joins Economist Impact World Cancer Series to Advocate for Improved Clinical Trial Access
In the quest to accelerate innovations from laboratories to patients’ bedsides, EORTC is championing improved access to clinical trials. Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan recognises the diverse health landscape of our continent, where citizens, many of whom are aging and coping with multiple chronic conditions, deserve enhanced medical solutions. Broader access to clinical trials not only ensures the trials’ quality but also hastens the delivery of effective treatments to patients in need.
EORTC’s dedication to this cause was highlighted at the Economist Impact’s 9th annual World Cancer Series Europe, where our CEO, Denis Lacombe, MD, took part in a stimulating panel discussion. Addressing the challenges and prospects of enhancing clinical trial access he stated, “We need to optimise patient participation in relevant trials, to better address patient needs and limit the excessive number of inefficient clinical research programmes. EORTC is committed to improving access to cancer clinical trials in the EU.”
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